Type Team

Perfect Typeface Combinations



ISBN: 9780500291689 Category:

Tony Seddon


Typeface combinations don’t always work together naturally. For an experienced designer, the process becomes largely intuitive, but even seasoned professionals sometimes struggle to come up with the perfect pairing.

Developed with typographers, graphic designers and font geeks in mind, Type Team gets to grips with the best techniques for combining typefaces from all classifications and styles for any project.

Almost 150 typeface combinations are grouped into 25 contrasting categories, ranging from Classical and Scholarly to Edgy and Vibrant, and with a full page devoted to each entry. In addition, 50 typographic principles are discussed and illustrated using appropriate typefaces.

In this unique reference for font spotters, designers, and users, the perfect typeface combination for any creative project can always be found.

Additional information

Weight 552 g
Dimensions 17 x 22.6 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 1 April 2015
Number of pages 224
Format Paperback / softback
Dimensions 17 x 22.6 cm
Weight 552 g
Tony Seddon is a freelance designer, project manager and writer. He has written or co-written nearly ten books, among them Type Team, Greetings from Retro Design and The Evolution of Type.