Umbrella Academy: The Commission Handbook

A Complete Commission Guide to Temporal Anomalies


From the world of Netflix’s Umbrella Academy comes The Commission Handbook, an officially licensed, in-universe guide to protecting the space time continuum.


ISBN: 9781419765636 Category:

Matt Epstein


From the world of Netflix’s Umbrella Academy comes The Commission Handbook, an officially licensed, in-universe guide to protecting the space time continuum.
The Umbrella Academy: The Commission Handbook gives fans of Netflix’s hit show-based on the Eisner Award-winning Dark Horse comic book series and produced by USG-a chance to step into the shoes of a Commission agent. This secret organization is well known to the show’s fan-favorite character Number Five, a former Commission agent/assassin who regularly references this guide for the skills necessary to ensure the continuity of Earth’s timeline.
Designed to look and feel like an in-universe object, readers will learn about the hazards of time travel, including the symptoms of paradox psychosis; gain insight into the roles of analyst, special operations, and infinite switchboard operator; and read in-depth dossiers on the members of the Umbrella and Sparrow Academies.

Additional information

Weight 808 g
Dimensions 20.2 x 25.4 cm
Publisher name ABRAMS
Publication date 8 August 2024
Number of pages 160
Format Hardback
Dimensions 20.2 x 25.4 cm
Weight 808 g
Matt Epstein is a writer and author currently residing in Los Angeles, CA. He’s also worked in development for Irish Cowboy Productions, the production company behind Netflix’s Umbrella Academy. If he had the ability to travel back in time, he’d write a better bio for himself. He can be found on Instagram @Mepstein35.