Unity of Knowledge

Scrapbook from the Niels Bohr Institute


A visual portrait of the world-famous physics institute founded by the Nobel Prize awarded physicist, Niels Bohr


ISBN: 9788793604841 Category:


Unity of Knowledge – Scrapbook from the Niels Bohr Institute explores life in research and science at this world-famous physics institution.

Sculptor Rikke Raben has been part of the Institute’s daily life for a decade, and has with her background in portrait sculpture, merged selected historical black & white pictures from the Niels Bohr Archive, collages and quotes, with new colour photos by photographer Anne Prytz Schaldemose, who for five years has depicted life at the institute with her camera.

Serving as an un-chronological historical document and accompanied by an essay from Author Peter Høeg, the combinations and sequence of images in the book, makes up a visual portrait intending to illustrate the curiosity and openness towards the unknown which has continued to prevail at the Institute since it was established in 1921.

The book reflects the meeting between these 3 artists and the Niels Bohr Institute. To this day, the activities taking place at the Institute are characterised by curiosity, openness and cooperation; and as such it is a place built upon the belief that we accomplish more and achieve better results through collaboration and knowledge sharing – through the Unity of Knowledge.

Additional information

Weight 1488 g
Dimensions 24.8 x 29.7 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 24 March 2021
Number of pages 228
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Rikke Raben, Photographs by Anne Prytz Schaldemose, Text by Peter Høeg
Dimensions 24.8 x 29.7 cm
Weight 1488 g
Rikke Raben is a Danish (portrait) sculptor. On commission she has created portraits for, amongst others, the Danish Nationalmuseum, Zentropa Film and the Nationalbank of Denmark as well as for private clients in Scandinavia. Anne Prytz Schaldemose is a Danish photographer. Her work is part of numerous books and her photographs are decorating public spaces such as the University Hospital, Copenhagen Technical College and Forum metro station in Copenhagen. Peter Høeg is a Danish author. He broke through with the international bestseller Smilla's Sense of Snow in 1992 and has received numerous awards for his books.