How did you discover your love of plants?
I grew up in a family of plantswomen. I still feel them in my hands as I garden today. It was an ideal childhood on a farm and I spent a lot of time in the resilient and abundant gardens of my aunts and grandmas. I always had an affinity with plants and it is so special that they now fill my life.
What was the inspiration behind Super Bloom?
Flowers! Flowers are so heroic, and I think their beauty calls to something heroic within ourselves. That beauty and plants can provide sustenance for our souls and nurture strength and wonder within us.
Tell us about your creative process – how did you approach writing the book? Do you have any writing rituals?
I was fortunate – though it was a short deadline, these flower dreams and ideas had been brewing for so long and it was easy to get them on the page. I had been wanting to share so many things about the wonder and practice of gardening and was a joy to suddenly be able to get it all down.
Gardening is my most favourite thing to do and is a daily practice – it nurtures me in everything, especially the writing process.
You also run gardening workshops. How do these differ from the information in your book?
There is a real joy in meeting other gardeners and sharing the delight and wonder. It is my pleasure to run technical professional development on plants – masterclasses for professionals (landscape architects) through to flower-filled workshops for home gardeners. Plant love is a true thing that connects us all.

What advice would you give to people wanting to try their hand at planting flowers for the first time? Is there a particular flower you would recommend people start with?|
I am an advocate for growing what we love, as this way we will be more likely to tend and care for it. The most important thing is to start but also preserve. I still kill plants – we all kill plants, no matter how hard we try sometimes! Accept that gardening and plants will not always be perfect but it will be filled with beauty and wonder.
Is there anything else you want people to know about the book?
I am very excited about the plant profiles, the glorious illustrations, the care notes and especially the ideas for planting partners. Think of Super Bloom as The Cook’s Companion but for gardeners.
Is there a song or musician that encapsulates your approach to life and work?
I draw a lot of strength from gardening, and Solange is often on the speakers as I tend to plants and germinate seeds in my potting shed.
What’s next for you?
We are thrilled to launch the Super Bloom plant practice this year, working collaboratively on projects that are abundant with flowers and biodiversity in the public realm alongside architects. We are also excited to explore gardening as an art form in a series of art projects.
Plant literacy and beauty will always be close to our hearts so do keep an eye out for events and masterclasses coming up if you share our great passion for plants.

Super Bloom by Jac Semmler is available now.
AU $90
Posted on November 9, 2022