Coffee, Tea, or Kool-Aid

Which Party Politics Are You Swallowing?



ISBN: 9780810997608 Category:

Erin McHugh


Are the Tea Baggers simply rabble-rousers from the right who hate not getting their way? Is the Coffee Party just a bunch of jittery java nuts without enough money to afford to hire star politicians?

Coffee, Tea, or Kool-Aid is the one book that examines the issues and helps Americans tell the parties apart (they agree more times than they may care to admit!) while they laugh all the way to the polls. Filled with party history and characters, side-by-side comparisons and contradictions, as well as memorable quotes, slogans, and Venn diagrams, this handy guide spells it all out and injects some humor back into the political dialogue.

Additional information

Weight 89 g
Dimensions 17.8 x 12.8 cm
Publisher name ABRAMS
Publication date 1 January 2011
Number of pages 80
Format Other book format
Dimensions 17.8 x 12.8 cm
Weight 89 g


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Erin McHugh is a former publishing executive and the author of nearly twenty books. She first went canvassing door to door for a political candidate when she was still too young to vote.