Discovering Tibet

The Tucci Expeditions and Tibetan Paintings


The explorations of Giuseppe Tucci, the founder of modern Tibetanology, as reflected in period photographs and masterpieces of Tibetan painting from the eleventh to the eighteenth centuries.

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ISBN: 9788857222516 Category:

Donatella Mazzeo, Oscar Nalesini, Eva Allinger


Tibetan culture and artistic tradition were virtually unknown in the West until the eight major expeditions led by Giuseppe Tucci between 1926 and 1948. This catalogue retraces his travels through period photographs and his contributions to the study of Tibetan art. In addition to Tucci’s photographs, it presents a collection of paintings from the eleventh to the eighteenth centuries, enabling readers to discover Tibetan art with particular reference to compositional style, iconography, and the reading of a tangka.

Additional information

Weight 1748 g
Dimensions 24.8 x 28.8 cm
Publisher name Skira Editore S.p.A
Publication date 18 April 2016
Number of pages 288
Format Hardback
Contributors Edited by Deborah Klimburg-Salter, Foreword by Francesco di Gennaro
Dimensions 24.8 x 28.8 cm
Weight 1748 g


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