Jessie Homer French: Fire, Fish and Death



ISBN: 9788857250243 Category:


The first comprehensive publication on artist Jessie Homer French’s work.

Born in 1940 in New York, New York, Jessie Homer French lives and works in Mountain Center, California. Homer French is a self-taught, self-proclaimed “regional narrative painter” who routinely, perhaps even obsessively, paints archetypes of death, nature, and rural life. Through a simplified language of apparently naive, flat colors and calm brushstrokes, her paintings emerge as a continuous analysis of her surroundings, in which creation and destruction coexist with exemplary candor.

The paintings reproduced in Fire, Fish, and Death are a lyrical exploration of the fragility and beauty of existence, conveyed through soft brushstrokes and a vibrant palette. Often depicting death and destruction – which usually comes in the aftermath of fires – the artist consistently challenges the viewer through the use of striking imagery, such as large numbers of deceased fish in pristine water or funerals with heavily adorned coffins that draw attention away from the bereaved. Despite the artist’s realistic representation of these scenes, they possess an otherworldly and surreal quality that transports the viewer outside of their present reality and creates a sense of disorientation and awe. Jessie Homer French, blessed with a poetic eye and a deft hand, reminds us of the transience of life, capturing the fleeting moments of existence in a way that is both haunting and idyllic.

Additional information

Weight 1438 g
Dimensions 29 x 33.8 cm
Publisher name Skira Editore S.p.A
Publication date 10 July 2024
Number of pages 156
Format Hardback
Contributors Text by Francesco Bonami, Louise Farr, and Jennifer Sudul Edwards
Dimensions 29 x 33.8 cm
Weight 1438 g


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Francesco Bonami, renowned art critic, curator and writer, is currently Honorary Director of Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo in Turin.

Louise Farr is a contributing editor for Written By, Writers Guild of America West magazine.

Jennifer Sudul Edwards is chief curator and curator of contemporary art at The Mint Museum in Charlotte, North Carolina.