
This is Not a Biography


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ISBN: 9781910593370 Category:

Thomas Campi, Vincent Zabus


Intoxicated by the promise of a promotion, Charles Singular for once allows himself a small extravagance: he buys a bowler hat. But there’s a problem: this is no ordinary hat. This one once belonged to the surrealist painter Renu00e9 Magritte, and by donning it Charles has unwittingly stepped into the artist’s off-kilter world. What’s more, he can’t escape – at least, not until he has illuminated the secrets behind Magritte’s work. What follows is a hallucinatory journey through Magritte’s imaginative landscape, a place where facial features mutate, the crescent moon appears in unexpected places, and answers prove frustratingly elusive. In Magritte: This is not a Biography, Vincent Zabus and Thomas Campi have created a panoramic and revealing portrait of the great surrealist, employing a playfulness and wit reminiscent of Magritte himself.

Additional information

Weight 285 g
Dimensions 18.4 x 26 cm
Publisher name Self Made Hero
Publication date 1 January 2018
Number of pages 72
Format Other book format
Dimensions 18.4 x 26 cm
Weight 285 g


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Vincent Zabus is a Belgian comics writer. He is the author of two series for children, among other books.

Thomas Campi is an Italian comic-book artist. He has illustrated two books written by Vincent Zabus