The Sandwich Shop


The Sandwich Shop is a collection of mouthwatering recipes that celebrate the wonderful world of the not-so-humble sandwich.


ISBN: 9781922754660 Category:

Aisling Coughlan, Lucy Heaver


No matter where you roam, across the world, every country has its own take on the sandwich – loosely defined as two bits of bread or other carb-loaded vehicle, holding in a flavor-packed filling.

This deck brings all the wonders of the sandwich world together in one handy box. With easy-to-follow recipes for any occasion – whether you’re relaxing at home on a lazy Sunday afternoon, hankering after a street delight you had years ago in a faraway place, or in need of a cure in the form of something you can eat with your hands – you’ll find it on one of the 50 cards in this box.

How about a hot and hearty Philly cheese, a crunchy banh mi, or a good old fashioned PB&J – with bacon, naturally. The Sandwich Shop features all the classics, old and new, including plenty of vegan and vegetarian options.

Additional information

Weight 322 g
Dimensions 10.2 x 14.5 cm
Publisher name Smith Street Books
Publication date 29 September 2023
Number of pages
Format Cards
Dimensions 10.2 x 14.5 cm
Weight 322 g
Lucy Heaver and Aisling Coughlan are writers and editors who live in Melbourne, Australia. Together, they’ve traveled the globe, trying new sandwiches wherever they’ve discovered them.