The Thoughts of Gilbert & George


A signed 2-sided LP of music and musings by Gilbert & George.


ISBN: 9781633450103 Category:

Gilbert & George


This vinyl LP record, produced in a limited edition of 2,000 copies, each signed and numbered by Gilbert & George, is a new and unique artwork on which the sculptors revisit their first mature work, The Singing Sculpture (1968) as if it were an old friend they had not seen in years. Conceived as a piece meant to be savoured in whole, as one would take in a picture show, Gilbert & George welcome listeners into their archives and studio to spend time with them and their art, deeply engaging with us from their world on the eastern edge of London and extending throughout our globe.

Additional information

Weight 384 g
Dimensions 32.8 x 32.8 cm
Publisher name The Museum of Modern Art
Publication date 1 December 2016
Number of pages
Format CD-Audio
Dimensions 32.8 x 32.8 cm
Weight 384 g


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Gilbert & George - two people yet one artist - have created thousands of works since meeting in London in 1967 as students at Saint Martin's School of Art.