Why Don’t Fish Drown?


An irreverent but informative primer that asks from-the-hip questions about the animal kingdom. For ages 7+


ISBN: 9780500651261 Categories: ,

Anna Claybourne


What’s the point of a porcupine? Why can’t my dog talk to me? Could my cat be a cannibal? Why does a shark need such big teeth?
This book provides an engaging way for young people to discover more about animals by asking and answering questions for themselves. The book is structured around twenty-two questions, each one tackled over two spreads. The first spread explores the question and answer, supported by a detailed illustration, photograph or diagram. The second spread asks further questions on a similar theme to help build an understanding of how some animals share characteristics while others may adapt in different ways to survive in the same environment. Fresh and informal without being flippant, this is a swift introduction to natural history that will enable children to feel confident asking and investigating the questions that interest them most.

Additional information

Weight 507 g
Dimensions 19.3 x 26.2 cm
Publisher name Thames and Hudson Ltd
Publication date 1 October 2017
Number of pages 96
Format Hardback
Dimensions 19.3 x 26.2 cm
Weight 507 g


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Anna Claybourne is a children's author based in Scotland. She has written several books on natural history, and her most recent book, Make It Splash! won the 2016 Teachers' Choice Award. Claire Goble is a London-based illustrator, animator, and designer whose clients include BBC and Nickelodeon. She illustrated Why is Art Full of Naked People?